Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chod: cutting the ego and ignorance

The chod is a buddhistic technique.
Maybe you not expected in a left hand path blog to see article about cutting ego.
but relax. the ego is natural. but in order to perform magic you must to see thinks in a non-dualistic way. you must feel that you are not exist separated from the universe. that you are part of it.
You cant use the powers of nature if you are not one with the nature.
Thus who perform the chod ritual must have fearlessness and abstinence from expectation and disappointment,
The chod ritual is performed in graveyards and haunted houses and lonely places at night.
The practitioner of the chod must visualize that a deity cutting his body to pieces and offering them to the beings of the universe trans formated to light.
the chod helps the practitioner to overcome his fears and to
become united with the universe.
this unity helps him to perform better spells. and makes him stronger in any aspect.

1 comment:

  1. Chod is not about being able to "perform better spells" at all. It is about compassionately offering oneself, and overcoming the concept of a self, in order to realize the nature of mind and end suffering for yourself and others.
