Friday, April 17, 2009

The night

In christianity the night is the symbol of evil.
but in the pagan religions the night is the creator of all things.

Mother Night, Womb of the Universe,
You have born the Gods and all of man,

first there was only the night (darkness).
then from the darkness divided itself to darkness and light.
By your hand, were day and night divided,
And by the Fate's decree,

It is true that the science of today aggrees with that perception.
(see big bang theory)

and hear, oh Goddess, the prayer of thy supplicants.
Desired by all, whom all revere,
Blessed Night, dispel the fears of Twilight's dreadful shade.

According to the Hesiod the night and chaos were the first of all forces of universe.
In wicca according to the book of Aradia the world beggins with darkness. and the darkness divided it self in darkness and light.
Also in the nordic theogony the chaos and night was the creator of all things.
So the pagans were never had any complex or fear of the darkness. no illusions of good or evil.
Not a single dualistic think.

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